High blood pressure, home remedies,Treatment, causes


Hi, Guys, This is Aameer Ahmed and today I am going to understand about the High blood pressure, it’s causes, it’s disadvantages. Now I am going the short introduction about the blood pressure

Blood pressure is the force/speed/pressure of blood in your arteries as it flow in your body. High Blood pressure (or hypertension) is when your blood pressure is consistently higher from its normal condition

If we talk about it’s disadvantages so that are very serious. Having a High Blood Pressure can increase the number of heart attack and stroke so please treat it seriously. Don’t be scare about reading this because scare it also a very dangerous. We will talk about this topic next time. So be relax

High Blood pressure usually doesn’t have any symptoms. So mostly people don’t know that their blood pressure is high or low until they get checked. All adult 40 years old and over should have their blood pressure checked once every 3 month. Don’t worry I will tell you how to check Blood pressure. The reason I am saying this if we get notice that blood pressure I increasing somehow slowly then we can treat this immediately. So we can get saved for its diseases.

With a combination of lifestyle measure and medication we can easily control the blood pressure, and can reduce the risk of complications.

This book is for anyone and who have a high blood pressure and want to reduce it and it is also for those who don’t have high blood pressure but they want to reduce the chances of high blood pressure in their adult age.

Now this article is divided into 4 sections and I am also going to cover all the question that mostly people ask me on email or if you have any other question accept them then email me  aamirkhan82889@gmail.com


1)    Understand High Blood Pressure:

·       In this heading we will discuss what blood pressure is?

·       What are the causes?

·       How blood pressure is diagnosed?

·       Why controlling high blood pressure is so important


2)    How is high blood pressure is managed (Lifestyle changes):

·       What are the changes you can apply to manage you own blood pressure


Understanding High Blood pressure:

How does your heart works?

To understand the high blood pressure you first need to understand a little about how heart works.

Your heart is like a pump that pushes blood around your body through your blood vessels. The blood provide your body with oxygen and nutrients it needs.


The pumping action is activated by electrical signals that are sent through your heart’s electrical system to heart muscle. These signals tells the heart when to contract (squeeze) and when to relax.


Pumping action actually pushes blood from the right side of your heart out to the lungs where it collects oxygen. The blood then comes return to the left side of the heart and pushed out to carried around the rest of your body. It the blood goes through the vessels. Valves between the chamber of your heart keep the blood flowing in the right direction.










What is blood pressure?

You can say that blood pressure is the measure of force/pressure of blood in your arteries.

The pressure of blood flowing through your arteries changes as your heart beats. The pressure of the blood is at highest when your heart contracts, forcing to blood out to your heart and go around to your body and the lower pressure is the opposite to it the pressure is at lowest when your heart relaxes between heart beats, while it fills with blood before pumping it again.

Measurement of blood pressure

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and it is recorded as 2 numbers, for example: 120/80 mmHg. This is usually referred as 120 over 80

The top/first number is the systolic pressure. This the pressure of the blood in the arteries when the heart contracts and pushes the blood out to the heart.

The second/bottom number is the diastolic pressure. This the pressure of the blood in the arteries when the heart relax and refill with the blood.

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure (or hypertension) is when your blood pressure is consistently high in which it should be. The normal blood pressure as I define is 120/80 and the high blood pressure as general is 140/90 mmHg

What cause high blood pressure?

If we talk about the causes so there specific cause or reason of high blood pressure, but there are some factors which we can assume the causes of high blood pressure and often 70% of people get high blood pressure due to these factors.

·       Your age (As your age increases the risk also increases).

·       Other person in your family have high blood pressure problem example: parents

·       Being overweight or obese

·       Nothing being active enough

·       Have a high salt intake

·       Drinking too much alcohol

How do you know if you have high blood pressure?

The only way to know about the high blood pressure is to measure it.

High blood pressure usually don’t have any symptoms, so mostly people don’t know that they have high blood pressure or low until they get their blood pressure checked.

Expert recommend that adults (more then 40) should have their blood pressure checked at-least once every 5 year.

Note: If you have already been diagnose high blood pressure, or you have another health problem like diabetes, Kidney problem, heart problem or you have heart stroke, you will need to have your blood pressure checked more often.

How is Blood pressure measured?


Blood pressure is usually by blood pressure monitor. This is the device uses “cuff” that is wrapped around your upper arm.

When taking a reading you will feel that cuff is getting tight around your arm and then slowly begin to release.

The person taking your blood pressure should also check your pulse at the same time. This is to ensure that the rhythm of your heart beat is regular. Having an irregular heart be can make the reading of blood pressure monitor can make less reliable information.

Thing to keep in mind when you want to check the blood pressure.

·       Avoid alcohol, smoking

·       Take at-least 30 min exercise 

·       Make sure you have emptied your bladder

·       Rest at-least for the 5 min after exercise and relax to your body.

·       Remove any long-sleeved clothing or roll up your sleeves

·       Don’t talk when measuring the blood pressure.

A single high blood pressure reading does not necessarily mean that you have high blood pressure. Blood pressure changes though out the day. Feeling anxious and stressed when you go to have your blood pressure measured can also increase your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is high in the clinic (higher than 140/90 mmHg), your doctor may ask you to monitor your blood pressure at home over the period of time. This will conform that your blood pressure is consistently high or whether it was just for once.

Monitoring blood pressure at home can be done by using either ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) or home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM)

ABPM: stands for ambulatory blood pressure involve wearing a device which takes your blood pressure at regular intervals over 24 hour as your normal daily activities. These measurement gives doctor a clear picture about how your blood pressure get change though out the day. It also prevent the problem of white coat syndrome where your blood pressure get increase in clinic because you are anxious about having it measure.

HBPM: stands for home blood pressure measuring is when you measure your blood pressure using automated home blood pressure monitor. This help your doctor to get accurate result of your blood pressure over time.

Guide lines:

High blood pressure at 140/90 mmHg or above it is considered the high blood pressure and at home 135/85 mmHg is considered to as high blood pressure.

If your blood pressure is lower than 140/90 mmHg you may still have risk of developing high blood pressure in the future. Adopting a healthy life style can help you to reduce the risk of high blood pressure in the future or in the adult age.

Why having a high blood pressure can be a dangerous?

Note: Having a high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack, or stroke

Persistent high blood pressure can increase the risk of you series of problem in your life. Whenever you know that you have high blood pressure so please take it serious and immediately contact to your doctor.

·       Heart attact

·       Stroke and transient ischaemic attack

·       Heart failure

·       Kidney diseases

·       Damage to your eyes

·       Damage to your arteries

How is high blood pressure managed?

Evidence shows that lowering your blood pressure

Can reduce the your risk of heart failure, disease, stroke, death

Very important and major question people ask about. The good news is that you are able to make your blood pressure lower by changing your some lifestyle or you can say that daily routine making these changes can make your life easier and happy in the future

Depending on your blood pressure whether you have any other factor of risk of heart disease and stroke. Doctor may also recommend you to take medicine to help control your blood pressure

No matter you are taking medicine or not some changes in your own lifestyle can increase the chances to completely remove the blood pressure from your life your medication result will make satisfied.

Managing high blood pressure (lifestyle changes)

The information on the following pages explain the changes you can make to keep your life healthy and easier. Some of them will work within a week and other make take longer.

·       Weight lose

·       Eat a healthy diet

·       Reduce your salt

·       Get active

·       Limit the alcohol

·       Smoking

·       Release stress


I have define all the factor what is high blood pressure, how can you measure it, what are the causes, and how can you keep it lower in your daily life by changing your lifestyle follow these steps will really help you so If you have any question about it or you want to know the information about any other topic you want then email me aamirkhan82889@gmail.com



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