What is belly fat ? How much it is dangerous and How you can reduce this fat
What is Bally Fat:
Belly fat, is also known as a visceral fat, It is consider the most harmful form of fat in human body. This type of fat is linked with everything from insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes to an increase risk of cancer.
Remember : You may be surprise after listing that if you are slim, you can also have high percentage of belly fat, particularly in your midsection.
What Causes Belly fat:
Now we going to talk about what are the cause to get belly fat. There are so many reason including poor diet, lack of exercise, and much more i am going to define below. Improve the daily nutrition can help you prevent to gain belly fat.
This is the list of things that are cause of belly fat:
1) Poor Diet:
2) Too much Alcohol
3) Lack of exercise
4) Stress
6) Poor Sleeping
7) Too much smoking
What Problem arises through belly fat:
It was once thought that fat was just a passive substance, most people think that it is around us just as stored energy, but the latest research shows that fat visceral fat cells are metabolically active, secreting hormones and chemical that can impact every organ to human body.
When you are at an ideal weight hormones and chemical fat all are healthy they do number of positive things, such as regulate insulin, help regulate appetite to help them feel satisfied after eating and even help to burn fat.
The problem arises when you have more and larger cell then normal, which often occur in an individual who is overweight, the larger fat cells produce more hormones and chemical then your body needs, which can impact your health over time and place you at risk for disease like diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and even certain cancers.
How can you reduce this belly fat:
1) Eat High Protein Food:
A healthful, balanced diet can help a person to lose weight, and it also have the positive effect on the human health. I recommend to avoid sugar, Fatty food and refined carbohydrates they have low nutritional content. People should eat fruit, vegetable, high protein and complex carbohydrates.
2) Daily Exercise:

A sedentary lifestyle can bring serious health problem with it, the major problem is weight gain. People should add exercise in their daily routine life i have shared a screenshot of aerobic exercise it can help you to loose the bally fat of by given the 5 min to each step it can help you more.
Take enough sleep:
It is necessary for the healthy human to take at-least 8 hour sleep and in the right position
sleep primary purpose is to give rest, heal and recover your body but it have also impact to you body weight
4) Quit Alcohol and smoking:
The last one is quit smoking and alcohol is have serious impact on your body as well as your body weight it can increase you belly fat and can cause the other body problem.
I have explained all the things in detail. (1) what is belly fat. (2) why it is dangerous. (3) why it is necessary to reduce. All has covered in detail after applying into life your will have amazing changing to your life and share it to your friends and family
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